Internal Experiment
Digitized Anything

The IoT Driven Intelligent Emergency Management System (ITIEMS) is designed to revolutionize emergency response and disaster management by combining the Next-Generation Incident Command System (NICS) with state-of-the-art IoT technology, machine learning, and computer vision. This system aims to enhance the efficiency of NICS, particularly in emergency situations, by integrating intelligent devices such as commercial-grade Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with cameras, thermal imaging, and LIDAR. ITIEMS can gather data during emergencies, which is then processed using on-chip machine learning algorithms. As such ITIEMS improves the situational awareness of first responders by providing them with real-time, augmented information about their operational environments.

The unique aspect of ITIEMS is its integration with NICS, a platform known for its comprehensive tools and features that offer exceptional situational awareness and interoperability between multiple agencies. ITIEMS will process the collected data through its machine learning capabilities and feed it into NICS as a new Geographic Information System (GIS) Map Layer. This integration is expected to enrich the NICS platform with critical data layers, thereby enhancing the overall incident management process. This new GIS Map Layer will allow emergency personnel to manage and interpret incident-related data more effectively, leading to better decision-making, coordination, and response strategies in emergency scenarios.


The objectives of ITIEMS are as follows: To provide emergency responders with real-time, accurate data from both standard and thermal cameras, improving their understanding of the emergency environment and aiding in rapid, informed decision-making. To leverage on-device machine learning for immediate data analysis and processing, ensuring swift and autonomous operational capabilities without reliance on external processing resources. To ensure efficient communication and data sharing with the Next-Generation Incident Command System (NICS), enhancing coordination and response strategies across different emergency response teams.


During emergency situations, first responders are faced with many challenges. Some of the challenges that ITIEMS is aiming to address are: Situational awareness: emergency situations caused by natural disasters can be chaotical. First responders and mission planners need To provide emergency responders with real-time, accurate data from both standard and thermal cameras, improving their understanding of the emergency environment and aiding in rapid, informed decision-making.Data processing: during emergencies a lot of data is gathered and it is important for this data to be quickly analyzed. Manual approaches in data processing are not feasible during these situations. Interoperability of systems: deploying different systems during emergencies will require different tools for analyzing data gathered by all these systems. E.g., if a UAV is deployed during a firefight operation, first responders will need to allocate human resources to analyze video feeds gathered by these systems. Therefore, it is crucial to have a platform that will integrate all these systems together.


ITIEMS allows integration of different systems with the purpose of building a tool that will assist first responders during emergencies. The system combines different technologies:IoT Technologies Machine learning on chip Computer vision and image processing


The main target of this system are organizations that deal with emergency management during natural disasters. These can be central government organizations and / or local government organizations.


SMART4ALL has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 872614
SMART4ALL is a four-year Innovation Action project funded under Horizon 2020 framework under call DT-ICT-01-2019: Smart Anything Everywhere – Area 2: Customized low energy computing powering CPS and the IoT.
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