Internal Experiment
Digitized Anything

The project focuses on developing a signal acquisition system enabling multichannel acquisition from multiple 2-channel acquisition units remotely connected to a central server via ethernet. The central server manages streaming and continuous acquisition from multiple units, storing data locally for further processing. Open-source code allows users to implement their processing algorithms for real-time data analysis and action triggering, benefiting various applications across digitized sectors like agriculture and environment monitoring. This project is a collaborative effort with Technische Universität Hamburg, where Red Pitaya serves as the technology provider and developer of the X-Channel System's software and hardware components. Technische Universität Hamburg's role in the project involves beta testing and reviewing the experiment, leveraging their theoretical expertise and end-user knowledge to ensure the system's effectiveness.


The project aims to develop a flexible signal acquisition system allowing the synchronous collection of signals from multiple sensors, both locally and remotely. Additionally, it seeks to provide accessible and interactive learning experiences in FPGA programming and electronics for students and researchers. Furthermore, the project aims to empower users by enabling them to implement custom processing algorithms for real-time data analysis and action triggering. Lastly, collaboration with educational institutions like Technische Universität Hamburg will ensure continual refinement of the system for relevance and effectiveness.


Garnering interest and engagement from users in adopting and utilizing the system effectively, while maintaining compatibility and adaptability to diverse application scenarios and user requirements, presents ongoing challenges.


The project utilizes STEMlab 125-14 devices as the foundational building block, providing 2-channel signal acquisition capabilities. Innovations include modifying boards for trigger and clock synchronization and using ethernet for data collection and storage. The development of FPGA code and a streaming web application on top of Red Pitaya's open-source platform further enhances scalability and real-time data processing capabilities. The project's innovation lies in democratizing access to advanced signal acquisition technology, making it accessible and affordable for educational, research, and industrial applications.


The project targets a broad market interested in signal acquisition systems, including educational institutions, research laboratories, and industry sectors such as automotive electronics, smart farming, and medical applications. By offering an open-source and cost-effective solution, the project disrupts the market dominated by expensive and proprietary data acquisition providers. The emphasis on affordability and accessibility expands the market reach, catering to price-sensitive users and fostering innovation and experimentation in various application domains.


SMART4ALL has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 872614
SMART4ALL is a four-year Innovation Action project funded under Horizon 2020 framework under call DT-ICT-01-2019: Smart Anything Everywhere – Area 2: Customized low energy computing powering CPS and the IoT.
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