Internal Experiment
Digitized Anything

Re-hub is an advanced, innovative rehabilitation system at the forefront of technological integration in healthcare, designed to revolutionize physical therapy through the power of AI, wearable sensors, edge computing, and cloud services. This collaborative venture between AVN and PIKEI harnesses their combined expertise in embedded systems, wireless communications, AI, and cloud technologies to offer a comprehensive solution aimed at enhancing the rehabilitation process. At its heart, Re-hub's functionality is propelled by its state-of-the-art posture and motion detection capabilities, anchored by the MoveNet pose detection model. This model excels in real-time human pose detection, positioning it as an indispensable tool for monitoring and analyzing patient movements during rehabilitation exercises. Re-hub is not just a technological marvel but a testament to the potential of collaborative innovation in delivering personalized, efficient, and accessible care in the physical therapy realm.


The Re-hub system is designed with the following objectives in mind:

  • Enhanced Rehabilitation Efficiency: To significantly improve the quality and outcomes of rehabilitation exercises by providing accurate, real-time feedback and personalized exercise corrections.
  • Data-Driven Patient Care: To leverage advanced data analysis for crafting personalized rehabilitation programs, thereby ensuring each patient receives optimized care tailored to their specific recovery needs.
  • Remote Rehabilitation Capabilities: To minimize the necessity for physical consultations, thereby making rehabilitation more accessible and convenient for patients, especially those in remote locations or with mobility issues.
  • Support for Healthcare Professionals: To empower physiotherapists and other medical professionals with comprehensive data and analysis tools, enabling them to monitor patient progress remotely and adjust rehabilitation programs as necessary.


Implementing Re-hub involves navigating several challenges:

  • Integration of Complex Technologies: Seamlessly combining AI, wearables, edge computing, and cloud services into a cohesive system that is both reliable and user-friendly.
  • Data Security: Ensuring the highest levels of data protection for sensitive patient information, complying with healthcare regulations and standards for data privacy and security.
  • Adoption Among Stakeholders: Encouraging adoption among healthcare providers and patients, many of whom may be wary of new technologies or unfamiliar with digital health solutions.
  • Ensuring Accuracy and Safety: Guaranteeing the system's motion detection and analysis are sufficiently accurate to prevent incorrect guidance on exercises, which could risk patient safety.


Re-hub's groundbreaking technology includes:

  • Advanced Wearables: Utilizing cutting-edge Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors to capture detailed movement data, providing insights into patient posture, orientation, and motion.
  • MoveNet Pose Detection: Leveraging a highly efficient AI model for real-time, accurate human pose detection, crucial for analyzing and correcting patient movements.
  • Edge Computing: Processing data locally on edge devices to minimize latency, ensuring patients receive immediate feedback during rehabilitation exercises.
  • Cloud Services Integration: Employing cloud technology for the storage and analysis of rehabilitation data, enabling remote monitoring and decision-making by healthcare professionals.

This innovative integration of technologies allows Re-hub to offer unparalleled accuracy, real-time feedback, and personalized rehabilitation experiences, setting a new standard in physical therapy.


Re-hub is poised to make a significant impact in the healthcare sector, particularly in physical rehabilitation, where there is a burgeoning demand for advanced technological solutions. Market dynamics highlight:

  • Rising Demand for Rehabilitation Services: Fueled by an aging global population, an increase in chronic health conditions, and a higher incidence of sports-related injuries.
  • Shift Towards Technological Solutions in Healthcare: A significant trend towards the adoption of AI, wearable technologies, and cloud computing in rehabilitation services, driven by their potential to offer more personalized, efficient, and accessible care.
  • Expansion of Tele-rehabilitation: Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, there's a growing acceptance and demand for tele-rehabilitation services, enabling patients to undergo rehabilitation exercises from the comfort of their homes while still under professional supervision.

Re-hub addresses these needs with its innovative system, targeting healthcare facilities, home care services, and the sports industry as primary beneficiaries of its advanced rehabilitation technology. Despite facing competition, Re-hub distinguishes itself with its superior accuracy, ease of use, and effectiveness, ensuring it meets the evolving needs of the market.


SMART4ALL has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 872614
SMART4ALL is a four-year Innovation Action project funded under Horizon 2020 framework under call DT-ICT-01-2019: Smart Anything Everywhere – Area 2: Customized low energy computing powering CPS and the IoT.
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